Change in Social Institutions

Uses and Trends 

Digital technology as a whole has change our social institutions. The impact of daily social media use has changed social institutions that original rejected the idea of these platforms. For example, when social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter first emerged, high school and college students weren’t encouraged to use these platforms, especially during learning periods. Now fast forward, to the end of 2018, and universities all over the country use Twitter, Instagram, WordPress, and other online platforms and softwares to interact and teach students. Academic institutions now offer courses that are completely online and use online platforms like Canvas and Blackboard where students upload assignments, have access to information, share learning modules, and take exams online. 

In article by London College of International Business Studies, the role of social media in education is addressed and key points are made regarding its impact.


Dr. Derek Muller, Physicist, Filmmaker and Television Presenter, World Government Summit talk, addresses how social media positively impacts education. He talks about how his youtube channel lectures have reacher 2.50 million people. 

On a article found on, the ten best and worst ways social media impacts education are discussed and how parents can help facilitate positive social media use. 

In the video linked below teachers discuss social media’s role in education and  how educators utilize technology in the education system. The video shares teachers thoughts on integrating social media into curriculums, lack of resources,  and communication with parents and students. Also, how to best use technology in school environments because the disruption is only going to increase. One teacher states that she currently has a kindergarten class that tweets. 

However, teens with lower socio-economic backgrounds face the issues of not being able to complete their academic assignments do to lack of resources and not having high-speed connection in their households. Pew Research Center found that “this aspect of the digital divide – often referred to as the “homework gap” – can be an academic burden for teens who lack access to digital technologies at home.”

Business that ran on word of mouth, are now creating social media accounts on Twitter and Instagram in order to advertise and market their products/services against competitors. Social media has completely changed the way companies do business from marketing to public relations, brands are now focused on online advertising trends and increasing their online presence.  For example, almost every business in 2018 has its own website and all retail companies are expected to have online sites for customers to buy things via the web. The job hiring process has also changed allowing future employers to apply for jobs online. 

In the journal article attached, we can see how the change in social institutions can have positive affect and some the factors that contribute to academia using social media. 


A Pew Research article talks about the future of being in world that is saturated with technology. The results from the study were, a third of citizens think technology will continue to produce harmful effects. The Information Age and digital technology will only continue to advance and as a result we will continue to see the emerging trends slowly integrated into our social institutions.